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A start job is running

No disk connected

The message “A start job is running for /dev-by-UUID/someUUID” is displayed when the system boots. This can be caused by an entry in etc/fstab for which no disk is found

After the timeout of 1 minute 30 seconds the booting of the system continues and ends in “You are in emergency mode . . . . .”. Now you can figure out what is wrong. Check if all drives mentioned in /etc/fstab are connected properly. blkid can be used to see which drivces are known by the system

Wrong pointer to swap partition

When more than one installation of Linux is made in different partitions with one common swap partition the UUID of the swap partition can be set wrong in the


file of one or more of the installations. If this is the case the message “A start job is running for /dev-by-UUID/someUUID [a countdown counter for 1 min 30 seconds]” is displayed

This can be solved by changing the UUID of the swappartition. The right value can be found by running the command, as root

blkid | grep swap

and checking if the UUID found with blkid is the same as the one in /etc/fstab for the swap partition. If not, put the UUID found with blkid in /etc/fstab. The line should look like this

UUID=feabc53a-b37e-5819-b3fa-47504d368472 none            swap    sw              0       0

Save /etc/fstab and reboot. The issue should be solved now

Other solution

Put a # for the original line of the swap partition Add this line, replace x in sdx with the number of the swap partition

/dev/sdx  none swap defaults 0 0

to /etc/fstab. Save /etc/fstab and reboot

Similar issues

When a partition is removed, remove its entry in /etc/fstab also.If not, fsck will report an error in the boot process and the user is asked to enter the root password to enter a maintenance shell or Control-D to continue

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a_start_job_is_running.txt · Last modified: 27-03-2020 10:16 by wim