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Sample page

		Hello Reader


How to make a tab in HTML

Conditional settings via comment line

<!--[if lt IE 9]><p>This text will be displayed it the version of IE is less than 9</p><![endif]-->
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Example website</a> .
target=“_blankOpens a new tab


picture tag

For responsive web design different images can be specified. See here for a tutorial


HTML-XML-utils provides a number of simple utilities for manipulating and converting HTML and XML files in various ways. The suite consists of the following tools

asc2xmlconvert from UTF-8 to &#nnn; entities
xml2ascconvert from &#nnn; entities to UTF-8
hxaddidadd IDs to selected elements
hxcitereplace bibliographic references by hyperlinks
hxcite-mkbibexpand references and create bibliography
hxcleanapply heuristics to correct an HTML file
hxcopycopy an HTML file while preserving relative links
hxcountcount elements and attributes in HTML or XML files
hxextractextract selected elements
hxinclexpand included HTML or XML files
hxindexcreate an alphabetically sorted index
hxmkbibcreate bibliography from a template
hxmultitoccreate a table of contents for a set of HTML files
hxname2idmove some ID= or NAME= from A elements to their parents
hxnormalizepretty-print an HTML file
hxnsxmlconvert output of hxxmlns back to normal XML
hxnumnumber section headings in an HTML file
hxpipeconvert XML to a format easier to parse with Perl or AWK
hxprintlinksnumber links & add table of URLs at end of an HTML file
hxpruneremove marked elements from an HTML file
hxrefgenerate cross-references
hxselectextract elements that match a (CSS) selector
hxtocinsert a table of contents in an HTML file
hxuncdatareplace CDATA sections by character entities
hxunentreplace HTML predefined character entities to UTF-8
hxunpipeconvert output of pipe back to XML format
hxunxmlnsreplace “global names” by XML Namespace prefixes
hxwlslist links in an HTML file
hxxmlnsreplace XML Namespace prefixes by “global names”

Main subjects on this wiki: Linux, Debian, HTML, Microcontrollers, Privacy

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html.txt · Last modified: 28-10-2021 11:43 by wim