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General security and pivacy warning

Warning: When you use debug mode

pihole -d

a lot of data from you network and sites you are visiting WAS put up on[4 digit hash]

This is NOT the case anymore, the issue is fixed
Be warned for other applications. This is not the first time we have encountered this behavior

Installing Pi-hole

This is based on Pi-hole Core v5.2.4

Update Debian first


apt-get update

to update the package list and install updates

The install script


Before running the install script the following programs should be installed manually since they are dependencies for which Pi-hole will check. By installing them before running the Pi-hole install script answering questions during the install by Pi-hole is avoided
So run as root:

Installer dependencies

aptitude --verbose --log-level=info --log-file=$HOME/pi-hole.installer.log install git iproute newt procps-ng which chkconfig bind-utils

Pi-hole dependencies

aptitude --verbose --log-level=info --log-file=$HOME/pi-hole.dependencies.log install cronie curl findutils nmap-ncat sudo unzip libidn2 psmisc sqlite libcap lsof

Pi-hole web dependencies

aptitude --verbose --log-level=info --log-file=$HOME/pi-hole.web-dependencies.log install lighttpd lighttpd-fastcgi php-common php-cli php-pdo php-xml php-json php-intl

Download the install script

wget --inet4-only --tries=3 --quiet --no-proxy --output-document=$HOME/

Edit the install script

DNS servers

Edit and remove (or move and comment out) the DNS servers you do not need from the DNS_SERVERS variable list. When done save and close Make sure the script is execuable

chmod 740 $HOME/

Install Pi-hole


If you have multiple networkcards in your computer you maybe can find the one to use by Pi-hole with ifconfig (look at the amount of data transfered) probably without any issues

Update Pi-hole

As root do

pihole -up


Notice: If there is no secure connection omit, delete, the 's' in 'https'


Block domains

To block all domains do

  • Login to the webinterface
  • Click in the “RegEx filter” tab
  • In the “Regular Expression” box enter “*” (a star (Shift 8))
  • If needed, it is advised, you can enter a discription in the “Comment” box
  • Press the blue “Add to Blacklist” button
  • If needed you can disable (and later re-enable the entry) in the status column in the “List of blacklisted entries” section

Example: Enter a “*” to block everything. The comment can be something like “Block everything”

Import json adlist

In Adlists enter the location of the adlist to be added and click on Add. This might not work


Via URL's

  1. If a Teleporter file is received run: tar xf teleporterfile.tar.gz
  2. Open adlist.json in a webbrowser. Maybe wait a bit for the file being processed
  3. Save the page as adlist.json.txt
  4. grep address adlist.json.txt | tr -d '\n' | tr -d \“ | tr '\t' ' '
  5. Scrape all the url's from the screen
  6. Past in the “Add a new adlist” “Address:” field on the http://someIP/admin/groups-adlists.php page
  7. Click on the Add button

File locations

/var/www/html/custom_disable_timer (When disabling pi-hole using the web interface
                                    a timing file is generated (custom_disable_timer)
                                    in the www-root directory.)



In /etc/nftables.conf on the server add, change to something like:

define tcp_services = { ssh, 22, http, 80 }
udp dport { 53 } ip saddr SomeIPaddress accept; # DNS
tcp dport { 80 } ip saddr SomeIPaddress accept; # WWW


For UFW on the server make sure

 ufw status verbose

shows at least, if you use the 192.168 range, (xxx some value from 0 to 255)

              Action      From
--                           ------      ---- 53/udp      ALLOW IN 80/tcp      ALLOW IN


Default Pi-hole 5 comes with the hosts list from Steven Black

The adlists are stored in /etc/pihole
To add more items

  • Paste the contents of this space separated file (Select all the links CTRL-C CTRL-V) into the “Address:” field on the “Adlist group management” pages (admin/groups-adlists.php) to have 68 lists added
  • Click on the blue “Add” button on the right. A green list appears. Click on the X in the upper right corner
  • The new entries show up with a in front of them. This means that they need updating.
  • To update, in the left column click on Tools > Update Gravity
    • This takes a while

Filter lists

Data from Filterlists can be used to add more lists to the Adlist

Adlist tool

As an alternative you can use the Pi-hole adlist tool on Github

Insert local list

In the case of a local file, the format would be file:///file-location1)


Resolve issues


When not all domainnames resolve and you get when testing with nslookup
** server can't find SERVFAIL
then check on http://[IP_of_your_PiholeComputer]/admin/settings.php?tab=dns under Advanced DNS settings if you have turned DSNSEC on. If so, check if your upstream DSNserver, router, supports DNSSEC. If not or in doubt, change the DNS server stetting of Pihole

Change on http://[IP_of_your_PiholeComputer]/admin/settings.php?tab=dns under Upstream DNS Servers the servers to a server of which you are sure they support DNSSEC if you still want to your DNSSEC. If so also make sure DNSSEC is turned on in het Advanced DNS settings chapter on the same page

Log period selection

### Versions Pi-hole version is v5.3.1 (Latest: v5.3.1) AdminLTE version is v5.5 (Latest: v5.5) FTL version is v5.8.1 (Latest: v5.8.1)

### Platform - OS and version: Debian 10 Buster - Platform: Desktop PC

### Expected behavior _A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen._

### Actual behavior / bug _A clear and concise description of what the bug is._ In admin/db_queries.php: “Specify date range to be queried from the Pi-hole query database” I want to select one day. Say 15 May 10:00 until 16 May 10:00. So on the left side I click on May and then 15. Then I click on the right side (June is selected) on May. Now May on the left side switches to April. The date and time do not change. So the period seems not to be shorter then one month.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

1. Go to '…' 2. Click on '….' 3. Scroll down to '….' 4. See error

## Debug Token

- URL:

<!-- Token generated by running `pihole -d`.

The token is displayed at the end of the debug process if you allow for uploading the log file.

[✓] Your debug token is:

Debug logs are visible ONLY to developers and support staff. They are not publically accessible and all logs are automatically deleted after 48 hours. -->

### Screenshots

_If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem._

### Additional context

_Add any other context about the problem here._

Web Admin repo is missing

Error: Web Admin repo is missing from system!                                                                                                     
Please re-run install script from

Do as root:

  • cd /var/www/html/
  • rm -ri admin/
    • Check if the right files are being deleted. If so
      • CTRL-C
      • rm -rf admin/
        • To delete the whole admin/ directory
  • git clone /var/www/html/admin
  • pihole -r
    • Choose: Repair

Block Millions Of Ads Network-wide With A Raspberry Pi-hole 2.0

Main subjects on this wiki: Linux, Debian, HTML, Microcontrollers, Privacy

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Changes reserved.

There are three slashes after 'file'
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pi-hole.txt · Last modified: 24-01-2024 00:00 by wim