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Seven segment displays

Adafruit 0.56 inch 4 digit



brightness: The value of the overall brightness of the display
location: Location #0 left most, location #2 colon dots, location #4 right most digit
number: The single digit number to be displayed
variable: The value to be displayed


All commands must start with matrix. That is matrix including the dot!
Example: matrix.print(100)
When all is set always call writeDisplay() to write the commands to the display via I2C


print(variable,HEX)Print a hexidecimal number. From 0000 up to FFFF
print(variable,DEC)Print a decimal integer. From 0000 up to 9999
print(variable)Print a decimal integer. From 0000 up to 9999
writeDigitNum(location, number)Print number (0-9) to location (one digit)
writeDigitNum(location, number, true)Print number (0-9) to location (one digit) and turn on the decimal point at location
drawColon(true or false)Turn the colon on or off
writeDigitRaw(location,bitmask)Draw a raw 8-bit mask (as stored in a uint8_t) to location
blinkRate(rate)Blink rate for the entire display
0 is no blinking. 1, 2 or 3 is for blinking speed
setBrightness(brightness)Change the brightness of the entire display
0 is least bright, 15 (initial value) is brightest
writeDisplay()Write the data to the display via I2C
Must always be called after one ore more of the commands above

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seven_segment_displays.txt · Last modified: 09-04-2017 00:34 by wim