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Collaborative Editing Tools. Only gobby is in the Debian repository1)

Terminal based

agrep grep alternative
cutRemove sections from each line of files
blkid /dev/sdb* | cut -c -$(tput cols)|Show only the part of a line which fits the screen width|
|e3|Very small text editor (10 kB). e3vi: Vi-like key bindings, e3pi: Pico-like key bindings|
|glimpse| | |grep alternative|
|[[grep]]((also grep alternatives))|Print lines matching a pattern| |
|[[|jless]]|Json viewer| |Not in the Debian repository|
|jq|Commandline JSON processor| |
|line|Read one line| |
|look|Display lines beginning with a given string| |
|mnf|Write sorted concatenation of all FILE(s) to standard output| |
|od|Dump files in octal and other formats| |
|only| | |grep alternative |
|pr|Convert text files for printing|<code bash>blkid /dev/sda* | pr -m -t -w 100
Show only the first 100 characters of a line so they do not wrap on a screen which is 100 characters wide
pvmonitor the progress of data through a pipe
ls | pv -l -i 0.1 -r -f 2>&1 >/dev/null | other command
qrencodeEncode input data in a QR code, save as an image
qrencode --read-from=$HOME/text.txt \
--output=$HOME/text.png --8bit --type=PNG \
--dpi=72 --margin=4 --level=Q --size=3
revreverse lines characterwise
rev /var/log/aptitude | less -S; rev <<< Hello
sortSort lines of text files
speedpadNcurses tool to test, train, and increase typing speed
tacConcatenate and print files in reverse
tac auth.log* | less -S
teeRead from standard input and write to standard output and files
echo Hello3 | tee hello3.txt
cat hello3.txt 
touchChange file timestamps, Create a filesIssue: touch: cannot touch Permission denied: Check the folder user, group and permissions settings
vimText processorviOpen a json file in vim and run :%!jq . to view and process json files in a readable format
xlessFile browsing program for the X Window System

Graphical tools

diffuseGraphical tool for merging and comparing text files
gobbyInfinote-based collaborative text editor
loookSearch text strings in ODF documents

PDF processing

PDF viewers

pdftotextTransforms,on the command line, a pdf file to an txt file: pdftotext file.pdf file.txt.
Install poppler-utils to get pdftotext and pdftohtml
qpdfviewqpdf: Tools for inspecting and transforming PDF files

Convert PDF to ODT

  • Open the PDF document in Libreoffice Draw
  • Export the document as “HTML Document”
  • On the commandline convert the html document to a txt document: html2txt document.html > document.txt
  • Open document.txt in Libreoffice Writer and manually, according to the original,
    • restore the formatting
    • restore the layout
    • restore what else is needed
  • Save the document as an ODT file

PDF tools

poppler-utils contains:

  • pdfdetach -- lists or extracts embedded files (attachments)
  • pdffonts -- font analyzer
  • pdfimages -- image extractor
  • pdfinfo -- document information
  • pdfseparate -- page extraction tool
  • pdfsig -- verifies digital signatures
  • pdftocairo -- PDF to PNG/JPEG/PDF/PS/EPS/SVG converter using Cairo
  • pdftohtml -- PDF to HTML converter
  • pdftoppm -- PDF to PPM/PNG/JPEG image converter
  • pdftops -- PDF to PostScript (PS) converter
  • pdftotext -- text extraction
  • pdfunite -- document merging tool

Text processing

Geany (ment for general use and especially sofware development)
Notepadqq (ment for general use and especially sofware development)


Sort and count all words in a document

cat file.txt | sed 's/[,.]/ /g' | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -c | less



noteNote manager (run cpan install YAML first to install (total disk usage ??. Guess: a few MB's)) Maybe handy: libfyaml-utils


DiaDiagrams, Charts, Graphs
FeathernotesA file can get broken because of lack of diskspace. If so the file can maybe restored to working order by adding a sufficient number of </node> 's before </feathernotes> at the end of the file. Data can still be lost but at least the file is in working order again
ZimWiki style


  • Set to a fixed with, monospace, font otherwize tabs do not align well.
    • File > Preferences > Preferences > Fonts > Select a font like Monospace-Regular or Cousine. Font size 11

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Status 5 Februari 2024
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textprocessing.txt · Last modified: 24-02-2024 11:41 by wim