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Configuration file

This file contains hidden options, not found in Edit | Preferences
The file can be found in: ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc or in
/home/user/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc Some options

MiscCycleTabs=FALSEDo not wrap the cycling of the tabs when cycling with CTRL Page Up / CTRL Page Down
MiscTabCloseButtons=FALSEHide the X, the window close button
MiscTabCloseMiddleClick=FALSEDo not close the tab when clicked on it with the mousewheel


Keybindings can be set in


Startup command examples

xfce4-terminal --tab --title=email --title=irc --title=news --hide-menubar
xfce4-terminal --geometry 80x40 --command mutt --hold --tab --command mc --hold

Keyboard navigation

CTRL-AMove the cursor to the beginning of the line
ALT-BMove back one word
CTRL-EMove to the end of the line
ALT-F Move forward a word
CTRL-KErase everything from the current cursor position to the end of the line
CTRL-LClear screen (scroll one screen up
CTRL-QUndo CTRL-S. Undo scroll freeze
CTRL-RSearch and execute a previous command
CTRL-SFreezes the terminalToggle
CTRL-UErase everything from the current cursor position to the beginning of the line


When you hit CTRL-S the terminal freezes. This is handy when a program produces a lot of output in a terminal. You can pause the scrolling and then have time to read
To continue the scrolling, undo CTRL-S, do CTRL-Q
To make every key to have to undo CTRL-S add stty -ixany to ~/.bashrc
When you want to disble this CTRL-S function add stty -ixon to ~/.bashrc. -ixoff has no function
It also works manually; stty -ixon disables CTRL-S (XON) and stty ixon enables CTRL-S

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xfce-terminal.txt · Last modified: 12-01-2023 22:15 by wim