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Filtering commands

Filtering is used to convert a text file to an other format and / or add or remove characters


cut - remove sections from each line of files

6.txt can be made with (a tab between “the” and “cut”

echo "This ' is \ a : test / using > the      cut < command" > 6.txt
  cut -d "/" -f 2,3,4 < 6.txt > 7.txt
  cut -d ">" -f 2,3,4,5 < 5.txt > 6.txt
  cut -d ' ' -f 3,4,6 < 6.txt > 7.txt # -d contains a space
  cut -d '\t' -f 2 | less # This does not work, only a single character is allowed. Past a real tab instead
  cut -d '	' -f 2 | less # Now -d contains a real tab
  cut -d \ -f 2,3,4 < 6.txt > 7.txt 
  cut -d > -f 2,3,4 < 5.txt > 6.txt
  cut -d \/ -f 2,3,4 < 6.txt > 7.txt

Using --delimiter with a space, and other characters

  cut --delimiter=i --fields=2,4 < 6.txt > 7.txt
  cut --delimiter=: --fields=2 < 6.txt > 7.txt
  cut --delimiter=' ' --fields=2 < 6.txt > 7.txt # Quotes are needed for a space
  cut --delimiter=\  --fields=2 < 6.txt > 7.txt # Or escape the space. Note: Two spaces after the \ are needed!
  cut --delimiter='	' --fields=2 < 6.txt > 7.txt # Using a tab
  cut --delimiter=\ --fields=2 < 6.txt > 7.txt # Does not work, the quotes are needed for a \ 
  cut --delimiter='\' --fields=2 < 6.txt > 7.txt
  cut --delimiter="'" --fields=2 < 6.txt > 7.txt # Here the double quotes are needed for a '


Missing operand

In a script using operands without quotes sometimes fails and sometings not. Why is not clear to us. You get an error message

somecommand | tr -s [:blank:] | someothercommand

Solution: Always put quotes around [:blank:]

somecommand | tr -s '[:blank:]' | someothercommand

tr - translate or delete characters

Remove a lot of characters

In Dokuwiki this can be used to find a row with one “|” too much in a table

Not all characters can be used in the same command. So several instances of tr are needed. Some characters need to be escaped with a \

cat /tmp/somefile.txt | tr -d [:alnum:] | tr -d [=,-_*-] | tr -d [$] | tr -d [\&\"] | tr -d [\(\)\!] | tr -d [:blank:] > /tmp/otherfile.txt


cat sometile.txt | tr '\n' \; | tr \* '\n'
cat somefile.txt | tr -d [:alnum:] | less # Remove all letters and digits
tr '-' '\n' < 3.txt > 4.txt
tr '-' '\n' < 3.txt | sort > 4.txt
tr '/' '\t' < 7.txt > 8.txt
tr '/' 'x' < 3.txt > 4.txt
tr '<' '\t' < 9.txt > 10.txt
tr '\t' ' ' < 10.txt > 11.txt
tr '\t' ' ' < 3.txt > 4.txt 
tr [:blank:] '\t' < 13.txt > 14.txt
tr -d '\-somestring' < 4.txt > 5.txt
tr -s "#" < 3.txt > 4.txt 
tr -s # < 3.txt > 4.txt 
tr -s ' ' < 11.txt > 12.txt
tr -s [:blank:] < 4.txt > 5.txt
tr -s [:space:] < 2.txt > 3.txt
tr \012 \040 < filein.txt > fileout.txt # Replace a LF (carriage return) with a space. Values in HEX notation
tr '\012' '\040' < filein.txt > fileout.txt # Replace a LF (carriage return) with a space. Values in HEX notation

Does not work

tr \t ' ' < 3.txt > 4.txt # not the tabs but the t's are replaced by spaces
tr -d '-somestring' < 4.txt > 5.txt # -s is seen as an option. The - needs to be escaped: \-somestring

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filtering_commands.txt · Last modified: 30-07-2023 15:27 by wim