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How to pas and return values to and from functions

The eval statement is used to send results form the function to the calling program


The main program

The main program is named

#! /bin/bash
# Declare the function library file
. /home/user/
# Variables 
# Calling the function. Sending 4 and receiving 3 variables
testfunction $number1 $number2 $number3 $number4 result other calculation
echo returnvalue: $?
echo -e "$result\n$other\n$calculation"
The library file with the function

The library file with the function is called

#! /bin/bash
function testfunction()
  # Letting the user know that this is the function
  echo Start function
  # Variables
  # Input variables
  local fn_number1=$1 
  local fn_number2=$2 
  local fn_number3=$3 
  local fn_number4=$4 
  # Variables for the results
  local fn_result1=$5
  local fn_result2=$6
  local fn_result3=$7
  # Display the contents of the variables
  echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7
  # Variables of which the value will be returned by the function with a value given
  local fn_variable1='Tekst 145'
  local fn_variable2='An other text with number 169'
  local fn_calculation=$(( $fn_number1 * $fn_number2 * $fn_number3 * $fn_number4 ))
  # Show the contents of these variables
  echo fn_variable 2x: $fn_variable1 $fn_variable2
  echo Result of calculation: $fn_calculation
  # Set the return values
  eval $fn_result1="'$fn_variable1'"
  eval $fn_result2="'$fn_variable2'"
  eval $fn_result3="'$fn_calculation'"
  # Display the return values
  echo fn_result 3x: $fn_result1 $fn_result2 $fn_result3
  # Show that the function is ready, finished
  echo finish function
  # Return the exit code (a number between 0 and 256). Here we choose 27
  return 27

Note that the values used in the eval commands have to be a variable. So eval $fn_result4=“'Hello'“ does not work

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how_to_pas_and_return_values_to_and_from_functions.txt · Last modified: 29-04-2018 23:18 by wim