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CLI information programs



Commands which can show info about USB devices

bonnie++Benchmark Writes huge files, maybe multiple times, to disk
dmsegBoot info
lsblklist block deviceslsblk -a -f -l -o NAME,MODEL,TRAN | grep usbsdd USB_Flash_Disk usbHas a RM (ReMovable) column. lsblk -S | grep usb shows, of only usb devices, NAME (device) HCTL TYPE (disk type) VENDOR (interface type?) MODEL (name) REV (revision) TRAN (bus type)
lshwInfomation about the computer Use lshw -short -C disk to show all block devices with their size in the name
lsusbShow info about all usb devices No link made to a block device
usb-devices No link made to a block device


archPrint system architecturearchx86_64
armbianmonitorHas several monitor and upload optionsarmbianmonitor -m Output: CPU speed, load, temperature and several othersWarning: the -u option uploads dmesg info to . Probably does the -d option something similarThis command has privacy implications!
atopMonitor for system resources and process activity
atsarsystem activity report
blkidShow info about all drives
dmidecodeInfomation about the computer
dstatVersatile tool for generating system resource statistics
dpkg-architecturecpu & OS infodpkg-architecture18 lines of info
echo $HOSTTYPEPrint system architectureecho $HOSTTYPEx86_64
freeShow memory and swap information and usage
htopShow CPU and memory usage
idShow user idid -u user
iftopDisplay bandwidth usage on an interface by host
iotopSimple, top like, I/O monitor showing harddisk read and write throughputiotop --only --accumulated --user=user
ipsIntelligent process status Like ps
itopSimple, top like, interrupt load monitor
journalctlQuery the systemd journal
linux-cpupowerPackage containing cpupower (Shows and sets processor power related values)), turbostat (Report processor frequency and idle statistics) and x86_energy_pref_policy (x86_energy_pref_policy is for some Intel processors only)
lnavncurses log file viewer Nice
logcheckSpot problems and security violations in logfilessudo -u logcheck logcheck -o -t Sends the output standard to e-mail. The example command did not work for us
logwatchSystem log analyzer and reporter Sends the output standard to e-mail
lsblkShow all drives in a tree
lshwInfomation about the computer
mountpointSee if a directory or file is a mountpoint
mpstatReport processors related statisticsmpstat --dec=1 -P ALL. mpstat 300 500 > ~/mpstat.log & (log every 5 minutes, 500 times to a logfile, do it in the background)
ncduNCurses Disk Usage
nmonSystems administrator, tuner, benchmark tool
powertopPower consumption and power management diagnosis tool
psReport a snapshot of the current processesps -p <pid> -o %cpu,%mem,cmd
read-edidInformation gathering tool for VESA PnP monitors
report-hwReport system hardware info Incorporates info from other commands
sarCollect, report, or save system activity information We got: “Cannot open /var/log/sysstat/sa25: No such file or directory. Please check if data collecting is enabled” To be solved
serviceRun a System V init scriptservice --status-all[ + ]: running, [ - ]: stopped, [ ? ] no status command
smartctlShow S.M.A.R.T information of a harddisk drivesmatrtctl -a /dev/sdaA lot of dataYou do not need to install all the other pacakges shown in aptitude. Unselect them and just install smartmontools if you want smartctl
statDisplay file or file system statusstat --format=%A somefile.txt-rw-r--r--
s2uMonitors messages through D-BUS taking appropraite actions
topShow CPU and memory usageSee below this table
trendGeneral-purpose efficient trend graph
unamePrint system informationuname -r3.2.0-4-amd64Kernelversion and others
vmstatReports information about processes, memory, paging, block IO, traps, disks and cpu activity
waitWait for job completion and return exit status wait --help for more info. No man page nor whatis info
watchWatch the output of a commandwatch --color --differences --interval 5 “df -h | grep sda1”Watch the disk usage of /dev/sda1 with an interval of 5 secondes and highlight the differences with the previous result
xdpyinfoShow screeninfo
xfce4-aboutShow the version of xfce
xrandrShow screeninfo
cat /proc/cpuinfo
cpuid Does not seem to show the CPUID. Shows a lot of other information
dmidecode --type processor
lshw -C CPU


echo $(date;uptime;echo "Temperatuur: ";sensors | grep "CPUTIN" | tr --squeeze-repeats [:space:] | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d \+ -f 2 | cut -d \. -f 1; echo " °C")


load=$(top -b -n1 | grep "Cpu(s)" | tr ',' '.' | awk '{printf "%0.1f", $2 + $4}');echo "Load: $load"

Get your IP address

alias ipaddress='wget --quiet --output-document=/tmp/ipaddress.html && unhtml /tmp/ipaddress.html |  grep "IP Address" | sed "s/)/) /"'

Get the RAM size in bytes

Use one of:

free --bytes | grep Mem | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 2
echo $(bc <<< $(vmstat --stats | grep "total memory" | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 2)*1000)
echo $(bc <<< $(cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 2)*1000)

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information_programs.txt · Last modified: 30-12-2023 21:43 by wim