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Install adb and fastboot on Windows 10

Copied from adb fastboot guide and updated with our experiences and use on Windows 10
This subject is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

If you did not came here from the LineageOS page please have a look there first

Where “device” is mentioned, most of the time a smartphone is ment. In our case a Xiaomi Pocophone F1

On Windows 10

  1. Download the Windows zip from Google
  2. Extract it in %USERPROFILE%\Programs\adb-fastboot . Like: ( C:\Users\Username\Programs\adb-fastboot )
  3. Click in the maginfier glass icon on the right side of the start button (Windows logo)
    1. Type “advanced system settings”
      1. Click on the top on “Advanced system settings Control panel”
      2. A window called “System Properties” should open with the “Advanced” tab selected
    2. Click on the “Environment Variables” button
    3. Select the Path variable under “System Variables” and click the “Edit” button
      1. A window called “Environment Variables” should open
    4. Under the (top) “User variables for Username” click the “New” button
      1. In the “Variable name” field enter: “adb-fastboot”
      2. In the “Variable value” field enter: “%USERPROFILE%\Programs\adb-fastboot\platform-tools”
      3. Click on the “OK” button to close the “New user variable” window
      4. Click on the “OK” button to close the “Environment Variables” window
      5. Click on the “OK” button to close the “Sytem Properties” window
  4. In Explorer goto “%USERPROFILE%\Programs\adb-fastboot\platform-tools”
  5. Install the universal adb driver from GitHub
    1. In a webbrowser goto the GitHub page
    2. Click on “”
    3. Click on “Download Windows Installer”
    4. Click on “Download”
    5. Click on the “Save File” button
    6. In Explorere goto the “%USERPROFILE%\Downloads” folder
    7. Right click on “UniversalAdbDriverSetup.msi”
    8. Click on Install
      1. Disconnect any Android device from the computer
      2. Click on the “Next” button
      3. In the next window, leave the selections as they are (path and “Everyone”)
      4. Click on the “Next” button
      5. Again click on the “Next” button
      6. Allow the app to make changed to this (your computer) device. Click on “Yes”
        1. The abd driver is being installed
      7. After the successful installation click on the “Close” button
  6. Reboot the computer
  7. Open a terminal
  8. Run abd devices
    1. We got:
      C:\Users\Username>adb devices
      'adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
      operable program or batch file.
  9. We checked the path by running, in the terminal, “PATH”
    1. The previous added path was not included. We did not try to solve it.
  10. In a terminal we did
    1. cd C:\Users\Username\Programs\adb-fastboot>cd platform-tools
    2. adb.exe and got
      C:\Users\Username\Programs\adb-fastboot\platform-tools>adb.exe devices
      * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
      * daemon started successfully
      List of devices attached
  11. Now adb is working. Continue on lineageOS

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install_adb_and_fastboot_on_windows_10.txt · Last modified: 15-05-2021 17:26 by wim