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The theme and icon sizes can be changed via

Tools > Options > Libreoffice > View

Additional themes can be copied to: /home/user/.config/libreoffice/4/user/additions/
This needs some more action then just copying. T.b.d.

Save file with password

Do not confuse with Files > Properties > Tab Security

  • File > Save (for a new file)
    • File > Save as (for an existing file)
    • Save the file with the same name (or an other name if required)
  • Check the checkbox in the bottom left of the popup named “Save with password”

Undo the password

  • File > Save as
  • Uncheck the password checkbox
  • Save the file with the same name (or an other name if required)


Bulleted / Numbered lists


Remove horizontal line

Via paragraph options

A horizontal line can be made with “--- <ENTER>”. To remove it when undo is too late do

Format - Paragraph - Borders

Then click on the line in the box. This way only one line at a time can be removed :-(

Via default style

  • Select the text containing the line(s)
  • Set the text to the default style

Reset revision number

File > Properties > General > Button “Reset Properties”



Use this template to print an envelope. So far we did not manage de print a DL envelope with the Insert | Envelope option
The template is for a landscape DL Envelope which is printed in portrait. It has two rotated text boxes and works on LibreOffice 4. It can easily be adapted for other envelope types


Close all comments at once

  • Click on the blank top-left button on the crossing of the of the rows andcolumns header to select all cells
    • or select the range you want
  • Right-click on any cell with a comment open in the selected range
  • Select hide


The most practical to use are

  • The first occurrence of standard
  • The second occurrence of html
  • Tonal
  • Document colors (these are the applied colors in the document)


Getting date calculations right can be very hard to accomplish


Count the number of non empty cells in a range


IF THEN ELSE statement

=IF(E2=0; "A"; "B")

Gives a 1 if one of the cels contains a “J” otherwise a 0



Show year

When you have a column with dates like 3-3-2015 and you want a column just showing the year you can use =YEAR(A1). This cel should show 2015 but it shows 1905. Set the cell to number format and it shows 2015

Transform format

If you get a date like 20150303 put the column in a text editor like geany and save it to /home/user/dates.txt . In a terminal do

for i in `cat /home/user/dates.txt`; do echo ${i:6:2}-${i:4:2}-${i:0:4}; done > /home/user/datesright.txt . Open /home/user/datesright.txt in geany and from there copy and paste it back in the right column. Set the format of the cells in this column to Number | Standard
Days between two dates


Hours greater then 24
  • [HH]:MM hours can be greater then 24
  • HH:MM hours shown as modulo 24


  • Go to Format | Print Ranges | Edit
  • Set the Print Range to User defined and enter the printrange or select it by pressing on the icon on the right of the window
  • Set the Rows to repeat to User defined and enter the headers range or select it by pressing on the icon on the right of the window
  • The same for columns to repeat if any
  • Click OK
  • Print the document

Pivot table

If grouping does not work check if values in the source table have a single quote in front of them. If so, remove the quote and try again. Removing the quotes can be done by copying the column and past it in a text editor. Copy the column in the text editor and past it back in the spreadsheet.

Display zero's

Tools > Options > LibreOffice Calc > View > Display > Check “Zero values”


Update with F9
The Date field comes with two options: Date (fixed) and Date. The latter updates automatically

Reset revision number: File > Properties > General > Reset Properties

Track changes

Between documents

Menu Edit | Track Changes | Compare Document…

In a document

Menu Edit | Track Changes | Record (this is a toggle)
Menu File | Properties… | Tab Security | Check “Record Changes”
When Track Changes is active the Data | Sort option is greyed out


CTRL Ins (numeric keypad)Something like Bold and Text body
SHIFT F3Toggle case: case Case noChange CASE


Remove all images

  • Select one image
  • Do “CTRL-A”
  • Hit the “Del” key


With unoconv files can be converted to an other format
Example convert an .odg file to a Microsoft .doc file:

unoconv -f doc somefile.odg


The ~/.config/libreoffice/4/.lock file locks the whole of Libreoffice. When the hostname of the computer has changed change it in this file too

Lock files for files are in the same directory as the files. Their name is .~lock.filename.odt# for an .odt (Writer) file where 'filename' has to be replaced with the actual filename


LibreOffice can be very hard to use and is often not intuitive. It steals a lot of time. It is on number 1 of our list with annoying programs

We encounter a lot of problems and annoyances when using LibreOffice Writer and Calc (we use the other parts rarely). We are not going to address them since that takes a lot of time and is often futile

We will list the issues here with a solution or workaround if we found one. See the list below and the index on the right for an overview

It seems a lot of problems can be resolved by resetting the user profile. Then you have a lot of work to restore your settings. And then, why does it get corrupted in the first place. Bad programming?

Issues overview

Calc Getting date calculations right
Calc6.1.5.2Copy a cell and paste 20 cells with a formula's down wards (CTRL-C, SHIFT DOWNARROW 20 positions or so, CTRL-V, CTRL-DOWNARROW. Now the cursor goes only 7 cells down and not 20 so we have to do CTRL-DOWNARROW again to reach the end of the list
Calc6.1.5.2After entering a column with calculations the row height gets doubled. Repairing needs to be done in unrelated cellsOne or more other, unrelated, columns might be to narrow. Being to narrow can also be caused by cells with errors of which the error message does not fit in the cell. Make them a bit wider
Calc6.1.5.2Comments are hard to edit when columns and rows are frozen
Calc6.1.5.2When not saved and the window is not on top Calc runs one core at 100% while doing nothing useful
General6.1.5.2Scrolling overshoots
Writer Bulleted / Numbered lists
Writer6.1.5.2Sometimes fontsize is in pt and on an other occasion it is in %This happens with inherited styles. It is a percentage of the fontsize of the style the new style is inherited from (Do Modify (the style) > Organiser and check the style inherited from. Setting all applied header styles to inherit from none does not solve the issue. Workaround: Inherit from one style
Writer6.1.5.2Scrolling up the headerslist (F5) the cursor jumps back to the last header
Writer6.1.5.2Automatically opened items in the headers list do not close when an other chapter is selected

Version:; Build ID: 410m0(Build:2)

Log outs

Rather often it occurs that LibreOffice logs the user out. The user has to login again
Solution: reset the user profile
Where it can be found is not clear from the text. A search with find /home/user -name “*user*” | grep -i libre revealed: /home/user/.config/libreoffice/4/user/profile. Close LibreOffice, backup, remove and then restart Libre office might be an option. Not tested yet

The screen goes black
Also it can occur that the window manager hangs in a way. The screen goes black and in the upper lift corner a blinking cursor ( _ ) is visible. Our only solution so far is:

  • ALT F2 (that means we are logged out of the window manager otherwise it would be CTRL ALT F2)
  • Login as user
  • Become root
  • reboot
  • Log in again
  • Restart Libre Office


The item order can not be changed as far as we know. Items most used are on top of the list. It would be convenient if they were at the bottom. If the order of ALL items would be reversed it would be better in our opinion.

Moving indents

Indents of bulleted lists are to far to the right. They can be moved to the left. Then a tab marker has to be placed twice to get the text moved to the left

Remove the last n characters from a cell in Calc (Excel)

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libreoffice.txt · Last modified: 24-02-2024 21:09 by wim