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Users and groups

wShow who is logged on and what they are doing
wallWrite a message to all users logged in on a terminalIn a tmux session only users logged on that tmux session get the message
whoShow who is logged on

User and Group management commands

For the change of adding a user to, or removing a user from, a group to have effect the user must log out and login again

chfnchange real user name and information. The chfn command changes user fullname, office room number, office phone number, and home phone number information for a user's account
groupsPrint the groups a user is in
groupaddCreate a new groupgroupadd somenewgroupname
usersPrint the user names of users currently logged in to the current host
adduserCreate a new userTo add an existing user to a group use adduser user group
deluserRemove a group for a userdeluser user group
gpasswdRemove a group for a usergpasswd --delete user group
usermodModify a user accountIncorporate all already enlisted groups and the group(s) to be added. Example : usermod --groups group1,group2,group3,newgroup user or use --append. Example: usermod --groups groupname --append user which does the same as usermod -G groupname -a user
vigrEdit the groups file
vipwEdit the passwords file


With chmod the ownership of a file or directory can be changed. Multiple files and directories can be changed with chmod -R
WARNING: Hidden files have to be changed separately. Example to change all files and directories (watch the dot in the second line!)

chown -R user2:user2 *
cbown -R user2:user2 .*

user2 can be the name of the user account or the number of the user account

To be solved

As root:

# usermod -G adm -a user
# grep user /etc/group
# ls -l /var/log/syslog
-rw-r----- 1 root adm 2,1M okt  7 12:50 /var/log/syslog

As user user

$ less /var/log/syslog
/var/log/syslog: Permission denied

Why denied if user is member of group adm?

Debian System Groups
Standard groups
Users and groups
Managing Group Access
Linux users and groups

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users_and_groups.txt · Last modified: 23-04-2022 10:24 by wim